Animal Control

Animal Control Officer, Rick Morton

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8AM to 4PM

Telephone: (207) 764-3754

For assistance with wild animals, please contact the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at:

Northeastern Division – Ashland

63 Station Hill Road
PO Box 447
Ashland, ME 04732
(207) 435-3231

Regional Communication Center (Houlton) 1-800-924-2261

How to Contact the Animal Welfare Office

To report an animal cruelty or neglect complaint during business hours 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday:

Complaints received via email must contain the reporting party’s name and phone number; the name of the animal owner, (if known), a physical address, a description of the animals, and the type of complaint.


1-877-269-9200 (Toll Free)

For an emergency outside of business hours:

Please call the Bangor Barracks of the State Police, 207-973-3700, and they will contact an Animal Welfare Program representative.

Animal Control Officer Contacts:

List of Animal Control Officers by Town

The State of Maine requires that all dogs be licensed by January 31st of each year in the municipality where the dog is kept. The fees are $6 per spayed or neutered dog and $11 per dog capable of reproducing. A late fee of $25 is added to the license fee for all dogs registered after January 31st.

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